Cups of Coffee

Life's Small Pleasures

Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cups of Coffee.... and My Mother's Wisdom

Years ago, in the throes of of a terrible, girlish heartbreak, my mom spoke some simple little words that I have never forgotten. As I cried that my life was over, as she held and comforted me, I forgot that she had just lost her mother. I mourned that I would never see him again - when no amount of tears would bring my mother her own comforter back. She told me then that we never know what tomorrow holds - good or bad. That sometimes we lose people, never to have them return again. And so, she said..... enjoy the cups of coffee along the way.

I didn't appreciate it then. I wanted a fairytale. A forever. But I do now. I suppose it takes being at last grown up to realise that truly in the small things are found the greatest joy. A baby's laughter. One long, magical kiss. A moonlit walk in the rain. The summer sun on your face. The smell of suntan lotion. Strawberry icecream. Guitars strumming. A great movie. A better book. Discovering a five-dollar bill in your jacket pocket. Getting dressed up 'to the nines'. An airplane taking off. A long walk. A good talk. A cup of coffee with a friend...


Blogger Dream Whisperer said...

Okay, that made me sad.

2:08 PM  

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